Read this. I’ll wait. It’s important, and I promise you it won’t take you long.
Okay, this is an ACCURATE take on part of “Project 2025”. Specifically, it addresses trans Americans. Now, when I was a teacher, I would refer to Wikipedia as Nincompedia, lol. I don’t implicitly trust the site, but for some things, I’m willing to give it the benefit of the doubt . . . like for this brief history of 20th century trans surgery:
In the US in 1917, Alan L. Hart, an American tuberculosis specialist, became one of the first trans men to undergo hysterectomy and gonadectomy as treatment of what is now called gender dysphoria. Dora Richter is the first known trans woman to undergo complete male-to-female genital surgery. She was one of several transgender people in the care of sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld at Berlin’s Institute for Sexual Research. In 1922, Richter underwent orchiectomy. In early 1931, a penectomy, followed in June by vaginoplasty. In 1930-1931, Lili Elbe underwent four sex reassignment surgeries, including orchiectomy, an ovarian transplant, and penectomy. In June 1931, she underwent her fourth surgery, including an experimental uterine transplant and vaginoplasty, which she hoped would allow her to give birth. However, her body rejected the transplanted uterus, and she died of post-operative complications in September, at age 48. A previous sex reassignment surgery patient was Magnus Hirschfeld’s housekeeper,but their name has not been discovered. Elmer Belt may have been the first U.S. surgeon to perform gender affirmation surgery, in about 1950. In 1951, Harold Gillies, a plastic surgeon active in World War II, worked to develop the first technique for female-to-male gender-affirming surgery, producing a technique that has become a modern standard, called phalloplasty. Phalloplasty is a cosmetic procedure that produces a visual penis out of grafted tissue from the patient. In 1971, Roberto Farina performed Brazil’s first male-to-female gender-affirming surgery. In 1984, Jalma Jurado developed a new surgical technique, which he used in surgeries for more than 500 trans women in Brazil and from around the world. Following phalloplasty, in 1999, the procedure for metoidioplasty was developed for female-to-male surgical transition by the doctors Lebovic and Laub. Considered a variant of phalloplasty, metoidioplasty works to create a penis out of the patient’s present clitoris. This allows the patient to have a sensation-perceiving penis head. Metoidioplasty may be used in conjunction with phalloplasty to produce a larger, more “cis-appearing” penis in multiple stages.
What offends you about this? What offends you about people who identify as an other gender? I’m serious. What? Are they perverts? Is that them, or is that YOUR upbringing? Your bigoted, prejudicial, close-minded, close-eyed upbringing? Get it. People are DIFFERENT. We come in all sizes, shapes, and flavors. You can cover your eyes and scream “WAWAWAWAWAWAWAWA!!!” all you want. The incredible variety of humanity is NOT going away, and, and this will scare you even more . . . there are more varieties of us ALL THE TIME!!
Try to wrap this around your brain. You live in, I dunno, Oklahoma or Kansas or Oregon or Wherever, USA. There’s a person, born with male genitalia, who identifies as a woman. They have a good job. They make a lot of money. They pay for private health insurance. They transition from male to female. They don’t know you. You don’t know them. They successfully transition. They find another human and they fall in love and get married. They live happily ever after.
What about this offends you? That someone is living happily? That they get married? That a baker agrees to bake them a cake? What? Is it that some pastor in some church has told you that this offends “God”? There is no mention of trans people in any book of the Bible. Not one. This is so far out of the Bible that there isn’t any mention of anything remotely resembling a trans person, much less a successful transition from one gender to another. It was easier to write about someone coming back from the dead as opposed to someone going from one gender to another!! And they did it more than once (the coming back from the dead thing)!!
So. Are you having trouble connecting the link I asked you to follow and read, the history of trans surgery in the 20th century, and my asking you what offends you about this? I’m going to say you answered, “NO!” to my question and go on.
Here’s another thing I’d like you to read. It’s not long, I promise, and it is understandable even if written by lawyers. Here you go:
Yep, it’s the blob’s order gutting DEI in the Federal Gubmint. Think about the insanity in this. Really think about it. Think about the WORDS: DIVERSITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION.
This order orders the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to go BACK to Jim Crow era behavior. NO diversity. That means everyone should be the same in government. Going on this, everyone should be obese and orange, no, wait, that’s . . . everyone should be WHITE AND MALE. That’s it. The head blobnazi and secondblobnazi have made it so there is NO consideration for those groups which have forever been excluded from Federal employment: women, ANY-American-not-European&white-descended-from-above-the-Alps-or-Pyrenees.
Equity, as with Diversity and Inclusion is an absolute. You either have it, or you don’t. I remember the US Supreme Court, back when it WAS a court and not a cabal of fanatical right wing religious nuts and/or toadies. Anyhow, the USSC once ruled, basically, separate isn’t equal. If you don’t provide real equity in the workplace . . . and schools for that matter, what you’ve created is an environment with INequality, NONequity. If someone does the same job as you, has the same job classification as you, puts in the same hours as you, has the same boss and the same hourly wage, you’re in an equity situation. If any of those things are different without a reason, you’ve lost equity. If you lose $0.50/hour because you have exceeded your PTO, that’s on you.
Inclusion. This is a fun one. This is getting all the players at the table and dealing everyone the same number of cards from the same shuffled deck. NON-inclusion is just stupid. Think about it. Are you going to EXclude people who are smarter, more capable, etc because of their skin color? Because they have a different set of stuff in their groin? Imagine being able to sign LeBron James to your team for $1,000,000/year, but you don’t . . . because he’s black! Talk about self-destructive. The same goes for the gubmint. Let’s get rid of all these incredibly competent people because they have different skin color or they have vaginas or they believe they SHOULD HAVE BEEN BORN WITH vaginas. None of that matters. Or it shouldn’t. I, for one, don’t give a d**n what’s between someone’s legs. I care about what’s between their EARS and in their hearts.
It’s a shame that our current administration has nothing in either place.