The Peter principle states that a person who is competent at their job will earn a promotion to a position that requires different skills. If the promoted person lacks the skills required for the new role, they will be incompetent at the new level, and will not be promoted again. He was moderately competent as a real estate hustler despite ruining thousands of peoples’ lives with his underhanded dealings and his dealings with organized crime. Yes, he has connections to THE MOB. Doubt me? This is several years old, but as I was reading how the blobnazi tried to rape Ukraine for 50% of their mineral rights in exchange for military support against Russia, it all came back to me in a rush — his ruining dozens of small businesses, their owners, their employees, filing for bankruptcy SIX times, building shoddy buildings, putting shoddy businesses in them, not paying his employees, and starting and failing at any number of businesses: Here’s a reminder:
-Trump Shuttle Inc., launched by President Trump in 1989, defaulted on its loans in 1990 and ceased to exist by 1992;
-Trump University, founded by President Trump in 2005, ceased operations in 2011 amid lawsuits and investigations regarding the company’s business practices;
-Trump Vodka, a brand of vodka produced by Drinks Americas under license from the Trump Organization, was introduced in 2005 and discontinued in 2011; -Trump Mortgage, LLC, a financial services company founded by President Trump in 2006, ceased operations in 2007;, a travel site founded by President Trump in 2006, ceased operations in 2007; -Trump Steaks, a brand of steak and other meats founded by President Trump in 2007, discontinued sales two months after its launch.
WHY, repeat, WHY would you vote for someone like this for DOG CATCHER, much less president?
In addition to his being an utter failure at business, he’s also led a shameful personal life. The BEST you can say about his personal life is that he is NOT an alcoholic. There are rumors, and I will NOT comment yes or no to this, that he is a drug addict and that his drug of choice is pretty much any relative in the amphetamine family. He’s also an adulterer. He’s cheated on his wives, and he has said some more than very creepy things about his own daughter, namely that if she weren’t his daughter, he’d be dating her! ICK!!
One of the blobnazi’s real peeves is immigration. He apparently hates ANYONE who wants to come to this nation. I believe he learned his hatred at his father’s knee. I also think he learned this hatred in the neighborhood in which he grew up. Oh come on! How can you say that? How can I say that? Easily. He grew up in a neighborhood in Queens, New York about 3 miles from where **I** grew up in Queens, New York. He grew up in Jamaica Estates. I grew up in Queens Village. Jamaica Estates was always known as one of the most hardcore bastions of racism and intolerance in NYC. You’d have to go to a neighborhood such as Middle Village in Queens or the Upper East Side in Manhattan to outdo Jamaica Estates. His hypocrisy really knows no bounds. While hating anyone else who wanted to come to our shores, he manipulated the immigration laws of the USA in order for him to get his current wife, a former model, out of Slovenia. Oh, did I mention that he managed to get her parents here, too? And HOW did he get her here? He got her here via an “EINSTEIN VISA”. That’s the slang for it, but it requires that the visa be reserved for immigrants with extraordinary ability and sustained national and international acclaim. “Extraordinary ability”?. “Sustained national and international acclaim”?. For a MODEL. A woman who wears clothing prettily, and who sometimes takes them off for the camera, too. Gisele Bündchen? Yep. Cara Delevigne? Yep. Melanija Knavs? Who? The first two are models who are NOT from the USA. While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there is, in my humble opinion, a time zone’s worth of difference between Bündchen’s and Delevigne’s looks and Knavs’ looks. Is the first lady pretty? Yeah. Does she have “extraordinary ability” at wearing clothing? No magazine covers. No real international fame. Not even a spread in Playboy! Blobnazi asked for her phone number at a party in September 1998, while he was separated from Marla, and she refused. This is also after she broke US law by taking modeling jobs while she was here under a travel visa which did NOT permit her to work in the USA. Her parents were able to come here and become citizens thanks to the USA’s liberal immigration laws regarding family, but, since then, the blobnazi has come to refer to this as “chain migration”. I guess it’s okay to deride it now that he’s made use of it. Earlier, I made mention that he hates anyone who wants to come to the USA. My mistake; he hates anyone who isn’t WHITE who wants to come to the USA. Assistant blobnazi, after all, is also an immigrant. But he came here fleeing from a nation that got rid of apartheid, and, since his arrival here, he’s been working at making his little piece of our country as white and as non-Jewish as possible.
Okay, back to incompetency.
I have to take a brief aside here to talk about someone who is the mirror of blobnazi’s incompetency.
Recently, blobnazi met with one of the greatest current leaders of any nation on our planet: Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine. I won’t say “in the 21st century”, and I won’t say “in modern times”. Both of those modifiers are subject to the test of time. The “in modern times” thing would have to go up against Winston Churchill, and THAT is going to be a tough one. Both Zelenskyy and Churchill are examples of leaders of nations in dire straits, under attack, and both leaders are leaders seeking help from the United States of America. Unfortunately for President Zelenskyy, he is seeking help from among the worst presidents the USA has ever had. Ranked fourth from the worst president ever, blobnazi is only eclipsed by Franklin Pierce, Andrew Johnson, and James Buchanan. Buchanan failed to stop the southern traitor states from seceding. Johnson carried out a genocidal policy against Native Americans resulting in “The Trail of Tears”, a forced march away from their ancestral homes. Pierce’s policies towards slavery (enforcing the Fugitive Slave Act and supporting the Kansas-Nebraska Act) made a civil war between the anti-slavery North and the traitorous south pretty much inevitable. The blobnazi is even ranked LOWER than William Henry Harrison! Harrison is the ONE president I might think is more stupid than even the blobnazi. Harrison took the presidential oath of office on March 4, 1841. He stood outside on a reportedly cold and wet day without a coat or hat. There is a good description of Harrison’s decline to death at the Wikipedia page on him here:
In any case, Harrison died 30 days after taking the presidential oath of office, and he is still ranked as a better president than the one infesting the Oval Office!
The word for that is “sad”, although “lame”, “weak”, and “pathetic” all come to mind.
Okay, enough history for now, although it really is fascinating to see just how stupid the American citizenry can be when it comes to choosing our leaders.
Zelenskyy. He IS a politician. One of my favorite lines from any movie comes from the movie “The Hunt for Red October”, and, in it, a politician says, “Listen, I’m a politician, which means I’m a cheat and a liar, and when I’m not kissing babies, I’m stealing their lollipops. But it also means I keep my options open.” Politicians come in a few different flavors in addition to being cheats and liars. A couple of those flavors are: “leader” and “statesman” while another is “moron” and another, and this one is RAMPANT through the species of homo sapiens politicianus, and that flavor is “IGNORANT”. This is a person who claims to have
-Blobnazi believes windmills cause cancer.
-Blobnazi said that Bagram Air Force Base, a US installation in AFGHANISTAN is actually in ALASKA, and may be bigger than Saudi Arabia.
-Blobnazi said, speaking of Haitian immigrants, that “In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, the people that came in. They’re eating the cat s. They’re eating, they’re eating the pets of the people that live there.”
-Blobnazi has his MBA from Wharton, which is Penn’s graduate level business school. His degree is in FINANCE. That has to do with, you know . . . NUMBERS. At a town hall meeting, blobnazi was talking to those in attendance (side note: have you ever noticed that everyone in the audience at a blobnazi town meeting who is standing behind blobnazi is physically attractive? Also, there is a nice assortment of minorities present behind him – usually one African-American, a couple of women, one or two maybe of Hispanic background, maybe an Asian person) about jobs and he said, “I don’t know if you heard the latest statistic, what of the jobs that these people (referring to President Biden and I-wish-she-were-President-Harris) created, which is very little (sorry, nice grammar there, idiot-president), every single job was taken, about 107% , was taken by illegal immigrants. Yep. 107%. ONE-HUNDRED and SEVEN PERCENT. And that number comes from a holder of a graduate degree in FINANCE. I don’t know who should be more ashamed: me for being part of the electorate, Wharton for allowing ignorance such as this to earn a degree, or the blobnazi itself for saying such a ridiculous thing. That is more jobs than could possibly exist. There can only be 100% of anything. You have 100%, for example and barring mishaps, of your limbs if you have two arms and two legs. You can’t have, barring some unusual genetic stuff, three arms and two legs. But what it all comes down to is that blobnazi is incompetent, aggressively ignorant, and downright stupid.
And we elected him. Twice. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I am ashamed to be an American these days. I’ve been asked “Where are you from, please?” And I answer, “I’m an American, but I didn’t vote for him either time.” It’s sad that I have to have that little add-on. Even with a criminal such as Nixon. Even with a cheating womanizer such as Clinton. Even with as stupid a stupid stone as Bush junior. Even with all of them, I could still say, “I’m American.” No longer. Now I need to reassure someone from someplace else that not all of us are idiots or gullible, and that makes me sad.