Apparently, we in California have a valve. No . . . a VALVE. It turns on and off all the water in, I guess, the entire state. I’m not sure where the water comes from. Maybe it will drain Lake Tahoe. Or Lake Mead. No, wait, Lake Mead is already pretty drained (thanks Democrat controlled climate machines!). There is, according to the Thing, this magic valve that, if opened, would have provided the incredibly brave men and women and others fighting those fires in the Los Angeles area all the water they would have ever needed to put out those fires. But Governor Newsom refused to turn the valve. So, the fires are, therefore, Governor Newsom’s fault. Yeah.
Okay, let’s look at this with just the TINIEST bit of critical thought. To have the barest understanding of water in California, you need to first watch the movie “Chinatown” with Jack Nicholson. No kidding. Take a look here: That is another really good place to start. A dear friend of mine works for the Central Valley Flood Control Administration. The Central Valley (aka The San Joaquin Valley) is a HUGE valley wherein is grown pretty much the majority of all the produce you eat if you live in North America. The water to, you know WATER those plants, comes from rain. Not rain in the valley. There isn’t much. No. The rain comes from the Sierra Nevada Mountains. If there’s a snowy/rainy winter up in the mountains then many things happen. A couple of things that happen are that crops get watered in the Central Valley as well as valleys way down south such as the San Fernando Valley. Another thing that happens is that firefighters are able to fight fires.
I promise you. There is NO MAGIC VALVE. There is NO MAGIC HIDDEN SOURCE OF WATER. The 47th President of the United States is LYING. He is fabricating things out of his (imo) sad, deluded, and hateful mind. Because he didn’t win the state of California, we’re on his hate list. This is a long-standing tradition started by that OTHER republican felon in the White House, Richard Nixon, who had his “Enemies List”. Did I say “felon”? Sorry, Nixon resigned before they could put him on trial. The 47th president? Him not so much. They tried him. They convicted him. And the United States of America elected him. I know, I know. MANY of you . . . hell . . . probably MOST of you are outraged and saying, “I didn’t vote for him!” Okay, neither did I. Unfortunately, shamefully, and with a deep, horrified embarrassment, the majority of Americans who voted did so for the Thing currently infesting one of the most sacred rooms in our land.
Okay, back to the VALVE. You know it’s really hard, almost impossible, to prove a negative. I say, “THERE IS NO VALVE!” and idiots in Alabama and Mississippi and other red states will gleefully say, “PROVE IT!” and I really can’t. I can’t prove it except to ask, in return, “Do you really think there is some singular valve that controls all the water in the ENTIRE state of California?” Is there one in Missouri? Maybe one for Lake Superior up in Minnesota? Does Mayor Johnson in Chicago control the water in Lake Michigan? Or is it just possible that the state of California that has been in a drought since 2021 and has been experiencing stronger and hotter winds than usual in the south of the state (they’re called the Santa Ana Winds) could be having these fires not because a VALVE wasn’t turned, but because there just ISN’T ANY WATER?
I know this may be difficult to understand for folks in places with plentiful water. A friend lives on the shore of Lake Ontario. I have family in NY City and in Florida. There is plentiful water in those places. It rains a LOT in those places. There is a LOT of free-standing water in those places. NONE of those things are true here in California. We do NOT have water to spare. There are THOUSANDS of experts in water management attempting to deal with the little water we DO have in this multi-year drought. I recall 2020. It was the first year in quite a few years where there was a LOT of rain in the mountains, not to mention snow, and that it rained in the Central Valley several times. Those were fat times in terms of water. But that has NOT been the case for almost 5 years. So even if we DID have THE VALVE, and if IF Governor Newsom were to turn it, there just wouldn’t BE any water that would come out. So.
Believe in a MAGIC VALVE.
Don’t believe in a MAGIC VALVE?
Doesn’t matter.
There just ISN’T ANY WATER.